St. Johns Lutheran Family Records

Pages: 142-143

Surname Given Birthplace Birthdate Married Death
Klitzke Ferdinand Bangen Pommeran 29 Sep 1853 8 Oct 1880
Wall Johanna Vonder Aurich, East Friesland 30 Aug 1857 8 Oct 1880
Klitzke August 8 Nov 1881 14 Sep 1882
Klitzke Frieda 25 Dec 1882
Klitzke Magdlein 22 Feb 1885 22 Feb 1885

The Wood County Genealogical Society will provide copies of the St. Johns Lutheran family records to WCOGS members.  The charge is $2.00 per copied page.  Please include the words "St Johns Lutheran" and the listed pages when requesting prints.

Wood County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 722
Bowling Green, OH 43402
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 419-354-9557

The Society's library is housed on the first floor of the Wood County Courthouse complex.  The Society's office is open Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.